Recent reflective works
These pieces change their appearance depending on the lighting conditions and the viewer’s position in relation to the piece and the light source. Under bright ambient light, mandala patterns present in a straight forward manner, each with its unique set of prominent and supporting patterns. Gently back-lit under dimmer conditions, different aspects begin to come forward while others recede. Under very low light, if a flashlight held at eye level is pointed at the piece, very luminous patterns will emerge, causing mid tones to become like shadows and light colors to become almost unnoticeable.
This effect was created using acrylic paint and reflective vinyl, which has the same effect as traffic signs that shine brightly under headlights.
On the reflective works page, I use gifs to show compilations of the same piece of art under 3 different lighting conditions blending into each other. In real life, the art will show a much wider and subtler set of variations.