Alrealon Musique Presents:

The Wire Magazine Compilation / The Wire: Adventures In Modern Music ":::From A to U:::" CD release party

Alrealon Wired show

Paintings by Robert Pepper and drawings by Camille Laoang

January 16th 2016, 7:30pm
Little Water Radio
192 Front Street
NY, NY 10038

This is the New York party in support of the Alrealon Musique compilation ::: From A to U ::: that will be included in the January 2016 issue of The Wire Magazine. The compilation was curated by Robert L. Pepper (Pas Musique) and Philippe Gerber (John 3:16)

Art show with: Jessica R. Pepper, Joan Hacker, Jim Tuite, Camille Laoang, Philippe Gerber

For more information please see their Facebook page.